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The pressure of May was highlighted by the super moon eclipse that happened very close to earth on May 26. This moon triggered a huge release of new information from our subtle bodies, ready to be actualized:

  • Old loyalties and archetypes coming to the surface to be transformed.
  • Our aura can function at different frequencies, and are therefore more encompassing.
  • Areas of our intuition and brains are opening.
  • Our psychic abilities are asking and waiting to be upgraded.

This rewiring needs deep re-structuring of the mind. Our minds need to accept this new way of being that is based on the self-sensory-system. It will take some time and we need to be patient and tolerant with ourselves.

In June, we are entering the time of deep inner restructuring that will last until October when Saturn will be direct again.

The presence of nature and wilderness can be of great help to sustain the restructuring and for us to learn to apply our new psychic abilities and sensitivity. Crowded areas and cities where people will release the tension that has been accumulated from successive lockdowns might be perceived a little hostile for our vulnerable sprouts just coming out of the cracking of the seeds.

Socialization, especially rediscovering people one to one, can really help the integration of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Through the mirror of others, our own stories might resonate deeply and can be released. But the same can become a distraction from the process that is now unfolding inside us and it could postpone our restructuring. It depends on your presence and your capacity to listen without reacting.

Be aware with whom you spend time and why.

Follow your gut and engage in interactions that nourish you, as they will open new doors and visions of your next steps.

The solar eclipse will happen on the 10th of June. It will be very beneficial to keep a light diet and strong sadhana until this date exploring kriyas or meditations that help release the subconscious mind.

The second half of June is the time to work on your intuition and especially the balance between the arcline and the heart.


Kriya for Unloading the Subconscious

Kriya to Know Through Intuition

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