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True kindness and softness are qualities that emanate when the subconscious is not overwhelming.

When our arcline is clear, we no longer perceive others as a threat. Others appear as new opportunities to discover parts of ourselves that we have not yet experienced. The survival self is very strong and quite often this feeling of being threatened goes unnoticed and unacknowledged. We end up trying to pretend that we are at peace with others, and this is especially strong in spiritual circles. In fact, we are just holding back our basic intincts, keeping them away from the equation and hiding them behind a mask of the good guy or good woman.

This is fake kindness. It carries rigidity and control. This facade works well socially, and validates a good spiritual persona that is needed to impress others.

But at what cost!? It puts a huge limit to our potential of being. It constricts our capacity to perceive and to manifest abundance, which is proportional to how much sub-personalities and how much of ourselves we dare to experience within our psyche.

If we can only be good, then half the experience of life which we judge as “bad” will not be allowed to flow through us. The end result is clear: instead of manifesting true kindness, we become frustrated and our words are poison in disguise. Being only the “good one” is actually the best way to betray ourselves and others by consequence.

Time is on us to recognize we are not “this or that” as we used to think but we are something else. By embracing both polarities, we experience freedom for ourselves and for others. If I am the good one, I need to create the bad one to validate myself! If I am good and bad, the other is free to be whoever he or she wants!

Then, the kingdom of kindness and compassion can finally open its doors.


Working on the 4th, 5th and 6th chakra

Meditation to arouse mercy and compassion


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