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This energy of September is in the continuity of August.


These two months add up to 8, highlighting the year’s energy (2+0+2+4=8).

It is a time to end cycles. The first half of the year was working in our shadows, and this summer and fall, we harvest the fruits of this inner work, and we can take action from a different perspective.

It is time to recycle, let go, grieve, and be emotionally authentic in our expressions with the people we care for.

Some relationships may need to evolve or end. Corruption and manipulation cannot be hidden anymore.

It is time to face the reality of cycles: everything ends whether we like it.

It is time to clean, throw away, or give items we no longer need.

Clear our clutter to make room for the new.

When not acknowledged with kindness, the 9 can manifest as tyrannical or self-sabotaging. If buried in the shadows, the hidden, frustrated child is in a tantrum. Craziness is part of its qualities …

We feel a deep, deep peace and security on the positive side.

We can recognize the gift provided by our ancestors’ solid foundation, the beauty of our family trees, and the strength of family bonds.

We can see what happened in the undergrounds in the first part of the year from a higher octave.

This month is about allowing ourselves to receive and be nourished by our essential values.

There is no need for strong discipline; it all comes quite naturally if we take pauses during the day to breathe and just be.

Our avoidant parts might try to stay on the surface, but this will build up anger and frustration. Beware.

It is a time to become a sanctuary for all these unresolved parts of our psyche and welcome them in a peaceful embrace. It is time to let everything that needs to end to complete its cycle of expression.

This a time for rebirth.


Meditation to command your 5 tattwas

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