This year (2+0+2+3=7) is about our mind games and recognizing how much we distract ourselves through the pull of our thoughts. During the month of May many of us experienced how this pull impacts our nervous system (5) and might even lead us to a burn out. The pressure created by our distractions becomes unbearable and at some point our nerves get burned. When we get to this point, it is terrible because it takes a long time for our bodies to fully recover. Sometimes many years are needed to fully recover our vitality.
Why do we let ourselves get distracted or pulled out of our centres?
Because we have no self-respect and no discipline.
The pull of the outside is stronger than the pull from inside.
Discipline is our only true friend in this life. Discipline means to be constantly connected to our self-sensory system. This is what is called Pratyahar (cf. 8 limbs of Patanjali).
If discipline is our friend, the supposed enemies will disappear since they were the by-product of the projections of our anxious minds. We realize everybody is a friend as each relation is a new opportunity to know ourselves deeper.
In our childhood we learnt to adapt our system to the needs of the parents to be sure to belong to the tribe (since the tribe was able to face the enemies). It was a matter of safety.
Because of that, today, we respond to the needs of others before answering the wisdom of our own hearts. We therefore see enemies everywhere. We postpone the intimacy with ourselves to be sure to fit in. With time we developed inferiority complexes. We make ourselves smaller and smaller and feel we are never enough or up to the job.
Some of us take the other polarity and try to control the whole world and make themselves bigger and bigger to convince everybody that they are strong enough. But the reality is the same: we feel powerless like when we were kids.
Even though we try hard we never really fit in. Something feels off.
We have no discipline and no self-respect.
There is only one place where we actually fit, and it is within our own selves.
This is the subject of this month of June: the divine NO.
If we cannot say NO, our YES has no value!
Let all the NO’s we did not express come out and let the prana of this negation build our arc lines and self-respect.
Now is the time to end self-abuse and recover our dignity.
A fully embraced NO is a YES to life itself ☺.
This is our aura reshaping itself to open our space of tolerance and embrace a deeper experience of life.
This is the essential step to build a healthy spiritual community.
Meditate on the 5th pauri of the Jaapji:
When you feel a sense of failure within yourself, when you feel that you are not up to the job, this pauri will grant you all success.
Thaapiaa na jaa-ie keetaa na ho-ie.
Aapay aap niranjan so-ie.
Jin sayviaa tin paa-ie-aa maan.
Naanak gaavee-ai gunnee nidhaan.
Gaavee-ai sunnee-ai man rakhee-ai bhaa-o.
Dukh parhar sukh ghar lai jaa-ie.
Gurmukh naadang gurmukh vaydang gurmukh rehiaa samaaee.
Gur eesar gur gorakh barmaa gur paarbatee maa-ee.
Jay hau jaannaa aakhaa naahee kehannaa kathan na jaa-ee.
Guraa iek dayeh bujhaa-ee.
Sabhnaa jee-aa kaa iek daataa so mai visar na jaa-ee. ||5||
“The True One cannot be established,
the True One cannot be created.
The True One is immaculate and pure.
Those who serve the True One are honored.
O Nanak, sing of the True One, the treasure of excellence.
Sing and listen, and let your mind be filled with love.
Your pain shall be sent far away,
and peace shall come to your home.
The Guru’s Word is the sound-current of the Naad;
the Guru’s Word is the wisdom of the Vedas;
the Guru’s Word is all-pervading.
The Guru is Shiva, the Guru is Vishnu and Brahma;
the Guru is Parvati and Lakhshmi.
Even knowing God, I cannot describe the True One;
the True One cannot be described in words.
The Guru has given me this one understanding.
There is only the One, the Giver of all souls,
may I never forget the True One!”