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Kundalini Training 2.0

Ajai Alai Awakening is a reminder of this eternal and essential nature within us.
This path of awakening consciousness is the setting in motion of the Kundalini energy in our bodies.

Originating in India and the Himalayan mountains, Kundalini Yoga is the meeting of Sanatana dharma (Hinduism) and Sufism.

AJAI: “Jai” is victory. “Ajai” is beyond victory. Free from a goal to reach, nowhere to go, free from becoming, success or failure.
ALAI: “Laya” is dissolution. Impossible to destroy because already stripped of all attachment to form.
How can that which does not exist be reduced to nothing?

The stages of the journey

Learning at your own pace, from seed to fruit

Step 1. Kundalini Foundation

The seeds, roots and trunk

Chapter 1 – The seed. Shanka Prakshalana

“Our body is a shell that receives and reverberates the sound of the universe”.

The seed hatches, the forces of the soul awaken.
Initiation to the Seed Mantra of the Tradition.

Open to all with no pre-requisites.

Chapter 2 – The roots. Ganesha Alchemy

“Ganesha is a process of spiritual rebirth, an opening to the field of possibilities”.

The seed spreads its roots and begins to grow.
Initiation into the Kriya of Ganesh.

Open to all with no pre-requisites.

Chapter 3 – The trunk. The 10 bodies Medicine Wheel

“The 10-body system is the backbone of the science of Kundalini Yoga”.

The roots are strengthened, and the trunk is fortified.
Initiation to the Root Mantra.

Open to all with no pre-requisites.

Step 2. Kundalini Deepening

Branches and leaves

Open to all with no pre-requisites.

6-day themed face-to-face retreats and/or specific online content.
Possibly with specialist speakers who are experts in their field.


Step 3. Kundalini Refinement

The flower

Open on a case-by-case basis.

Pre-requisite but not exclusive:
In-depth experience of yoga and participation in one or more retreats with AAA.
Ideal for people who have done Kundalini Foundation and Deepening.

For those who wish to engage in an alchemical process of in-depth mentoring, and receive the mirror of one or more experienced yogi(ni)s. Addressing the deep and subtle aspects of the transmission: holding space, stabilizing the neutral point.

Step 4. Kundalini Expertise & Transmission

The fruit

Open only to those from Kundalini Refinement.
For those who resonate deeply with the transmission of AJAI ALAI AWAKENING.

To become a Teacher and mentor of the school.
Use the logo and support the school’s face-to-face and Zoom groups.
Natural further step for some who have finished previous stages and have the resonance and profile.