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Personal intuitive guidance & tantric numerology

Inspiration, guidance and support with Satmukh and Sat Sarbat. A mirror to your intuitive self and an encounter with yourself. Online or live. English, German, and French.

With Sat Sarbat & Satmukh
Duration: 1h00-1h15
Price: 140€

What to expect?
The foundation of our guidance is a deep listening. Supported by your birthdate and different calculations from the Tantric Numerology, we engage a dialogue with you. The numbers become alive through our exchange and we put into words what you need to hear at that moment. It is uplifting to realize a truth which could be felt but not trusted. It might be challenging at some time, but since you chose it, you are ready to listen. By pointing at your deepest nature, you feel at home with yourself.

Through our guidance, you will:
• gain deep insights about your life.
• find ways to remove what blocks you.
• recognize your strategies and subconscious patterns. Why do you fall into the same traps? What makes you attract the life and relationships you have.
• get courage and confidence to be faithful to yourself.
• see clearly what to do to regain quality in your life.

The real gift of the Tantric Numerology that it is fast, simple, accurate, and straight to the point. It is common that it takes weeks, months, or even years of re-listening to the consultation recording that we will give you to digest fully its different layers and meanings.

A numerology consultation is followed by a suggestion of a kriya and/or meditation.


Step 1: Intuitive guidance by numbers – Numerology consultation
with Sat Sarbat & Satmukh
1 session of 1h00-1h15 See above for details.

Step 2: Following-up & integration
with Sat Sarbat or Satmukh
5 sessions of 45 min each,
ideally planned within the following 2-3 months after the consultation.

Step 1 + Step 2 = 6 sessions in total: 390€

The Numerology consultation gives you a large picture of your conscious and unconscious dynamics at play in your life and you might wish further guidance to digest its impact and infuse gradually the changes that it implies.

Each session of the follow-up, we choose together a specific topic which the priority for you at that moment. We look specifically how this topic is manifested in your numerology chart and explore its ramifications in your life. We listen to the resonance within your body. Through this listening and meditative space, we invite a new perspective and new awareness that include your physical, mental and emotional levels. Each session is different and adapted to your needs at that moment. You might receive further specific practices to integrate the shift.”


with Sat Sarbat or Satmukh
Duration : 45 min – 1h00
Price: 90€

Connected to a current obstacle or block that you face in your life, we will identify the specific kriya or meditation that will help you to overcome it according to your specific energetical constitution. By overcoming it we mean first to be in relationship with that block, then use the pressure to expand your awareness, and finally dissolve it through the you Agni (fire of your presence).


with Sat Sarbat & Satmukh
Duration: 1h30
Price: €190

What to expect?
Marriage is the highest yoga! Committed relationships can bring a high level of tension, because it mirrors and brings light on the part of us that we want to keep in the dark. The game of polarities is sometimes very creative and playful, and sometimes very confronting and destructive. This destructive power is very necessary for us to remove the layers of self-betrayal, self-denial, self-sabotage, … and grow as a couple. These periods of tension can be a true window to change gear on our relationships and become more truthful to ourselves and to each other.

From our experience, there are moments in a relationship when both karma of the partners reach their peak and resonate strongly with each other. It becomes very difficult to see what belongs to whom. We are so entangled in our projections on our partner that we cannot see her/him for who she/he is. We are constantly reacting to the present moment from past experiences, memories and wounds, and not to what is really happening. We might become defensive, aggressive, or we might withdraw.

The foundation of our guidance is a deep listening. Supported by your both birthdates and different calculations from the Tantric Numerology, we engage a dialogue with both of you to identify what are the lessons that want to be manifested through this tension. Once we embrace this tension without reacting to it, we can see the blessings behind, the opportunity for personal growth and for serving our partner’s destiny. Guru can be translated as a dynamic from darkness (Gu) to light (Ru). Bringing consciousness into these dynamics allow us to recognise the Guru in the relationship and reaffirm our commitment.

Through our guidance, you will:
• take back the responsibility of your projections and judgments, … by accepting and contemplating your inner tensions.
• recognise the needs behind the needs.
• recognise the entanglement of your strategies and your subconscious patterns with the ones of your partner.
• give more place to the moment by moment relationship. Relearning to relate instead of reacting.


Numbers and their dynamic are an expression of the natural laws at the individual, collective and universal levels.

Through our birth-date, we can find a lot of information about who we are, information that is not conscious and might take a lifetime to discover and to be manifested. The calculations from our birth-date give us deep insights about our essence, challenges, gift and tools that we can use for our growth. It brings us clarity about our destiny or the minimum we have to achieve in this life.

At a broader level, numbers are hidden behind any cycle or dynamic movement in life. We find them behind the seasons, the cycle of the 5 elements in Chinese medicine, our life-cycles from birth to death, a kriya, our spiritual path and its 5 stages called Padas, a period of 40 days sadhana and so on. Numbers are everywhere, helping us to understand at the subtle level our deepest experience of life.

We are an individual expression of the Universal creative flow, which means that we follow the same principles (Ek-1 Ong-2 Kar-3). The Yogis have been meditating on the connection between Macro-cosmos and Micro-cosmos and realized that we are ruled by the same principles. Observing the Macro helps to understand the Micro and observing the Micro helps to understand the Macro. That is how the Yogi realized that we are one, we are like a wave belonging to a vast ocean, an Infinite pulse within a Finite body. Numbers reflect that connection as well, help us to unveil the universal and personal truth (Sat Nam-4).

Tantric Numerology is a precious tool to bring consciousness into your life and the life of our students, friends and family! It brings the unconscious into light, helping us to become the leader of our lives, and create a better tomorrow, instead of being driven by destructive impulses.


Holistic Coaching & Healing

Coaching through Deep intuitive Listening :
– Bringing unconscious limiting patterns to light
– Clarify one’s life path
– Transformation of cellular memories during treatment sessions
– Recovering one’s axis, vital momentum, prosperity & one’s intuition

I work through the space of SHUNYA, the contemplative awareness also called the “Zero point” or Sat Nam rasayan. This type of Ayurvedic consultation is holistic and addresses our being in all its facets. We are face to face or by phone.

Duration: Preparation + 1h30 session + personalized yoga practice sent

Price: €216

On the phone or by Zoom, I propose an intuitive reading of your energy structure based on Tantric Numerology and intuition
We can exchange on the theme of your incarnation through your date of birth

Yogic numerology is a precious and precise tool to better understand the specificities of our incarnation and our life path. It allows us to identify the dynamics of our ten bodies and how to turn our challenges into resources.
Thanks to the calculation of your numerology and the intuitive perception of your energetic structure, I will also select for you yoga practices: Kriya and / or meditations adapted to your constitution and your life cycle.
These practices will be adapted in their nature and duration to the specific balance of your 10 bodies and 5 pranas according to the yogic anatomy.

This type of consultation allows you to activate the keys of transformation within yourself and to engage in a precise and personalized practice in order to benefit from the subtleties of yogic science.


Duration: 45 min to 1 H

Price: €108

first session :126€ ( 1h30)

We talk about the different aspects of your life and decide together what will be the main focus of our session. We choose a specific area of exploration based on your priorities and what resonates most in your energy structure.
Then I go into deep meditation to transform the subconscious dynamics at the source of the blockage we have chosen to address. Sometimes we talk during the process and I use the spoken word as a vehicle for healing, sometimes the treatment will be entirely silent.
My basis is always the intuitive perception of the moment, I do not use fixed protocols. The sessions are therefore always unique and specific.

At the end, we point out some key elements that illuminate the energetic movement at work for you. I may offer advice and may suggest a simple daily practice to stabilise and nurture the new momentum.

This type of session is strongly recommended for :
– a first session if you have not done an intuitive10 bodies reading
– if you have several subjects in mind and need to clarify your focus
– if you want a space to talk and exchange”


Duration: 30 min
Price: €72

You send me an email or sms explaining the symptoms and the theme you want to work on. We can have a brief chat at the beginning of the session.
Then I practice distance healing for 20 / 25 minutes. You just need to be relaxed during the session, not driving or anything like that.
At the end I will send you a message with my observations.

This type of session is suitable:
– when you know exactly what to work on or have already done an intuitive reading
– if you don’t need a general coaching but only a specific treatment
– if you have a clear symptom and need holistic support for its treatment
– as a follow-up session”


Price: €499 instead of €540

In this process, you will benefit from :
– 5 Holistic Coaching sessions
This programme allows you to go deeper as your psyche will be in a continuous healing modality. A simple yoga practice will be given in the first session to accompany you throughout the process.

This programme is for you if :
– you want to uproot deeper issues
– you need more consistent and lasting support to get through a difficult situation
– you want to be guided through a period of transition or the setting up of a new professional project