Kundalini Yoga: As a compilation of so many practices of self transformation from various lineages, Kundalini Yoga is one of the fastest ways to detox, clear the energy channels and refine consciousness. With breath, sound and postures, we work directly on the psyche through the physical body, balancing all aspects of our being.
Somatic approach (Body Awareness & Holistic Integration): Cultivating awareness of bodily sensations, movements, and patterns. This includes noticing tension, alignment, breath, and movement as they occur in the present moment. The somatic approach views the body, mind, and emotions as interconnected.
Agni Hotra: Vedic fire entertained daily at sunrise and sunset as a way to observe and recognize our own inner fire. It helps to purify the atmosphere and honor all living and sentient beings. Clears all kinds of pollution from the air to reset our connection with nature, the subtle pranas and realms of creation.
Shabd Yoga & Jappa: Singing, repeating, and meditating on the sacred sound current, kirtan, shabd, mantras from all traditions. Merging in the sound to dissolve the sense of separation and let the heart rule.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib: Compilation of poems from mystics, saints and bhaktas, who found ways to express their ecstasy through words and songs. We use this book as an oracle to invite self reflection and receive collective daily guidance.
Seva: Selfless service to the community, non attachment to the results of our actions.
Constellations: Recognizing the morpho-genetic field and systemic perception. Learning to function as a collective being.
Dancing and Movements: Free dance, ecstatic dance, Gurdjieff dance, dervish twirling, ecstatic postures, somatic dance…
Ayurvedic preparations: We work with the wonders of nature and mother Earth, the devas of plants and animals in harmony to develop our sensitivity and sense of interconnection. We can work with plants, spirulina, ghee, honey, ashes…