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Meet a team of teachers and trainers

dedicated to serve and uplift you all over the world!

Ajai Alai Awakening’s Directors and Lead Trainers

Ajai Alai Awakening supports and trains a team of TRAINERS IN TRAINING (TNTs).
Mentoring Leads, Sat Sarbat Kaur and Satmukh Singh are in charge of the TNTs within AAA.

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AAA Director, Sat Sarbat

Sat Sarbat encountered Kundalini Yoga in 1999 after an initial phase of life that was intense, adventurous, full, and very rich but also difficult and painful. The teachings opened a door for her, and she committed generously, without hesitation and reservation, to this new path. She studied with devotion all that was available: Sat Nam Rasayan, Numerology, Yoga for Children, and Conscious Pregnancy.
Sat Sarbat has the ability to touch by making spiritual teachings accessible and resonating in one's life. She exudes an unconditional love that allows masks to dissolve with grace.

She taught for many years in Austria before she began traveling to share her passion for the teachings. Sat Sarbat's motivation has always been the call to joy and conviviality. This is why she has always traveled with her husband, Satmukh, to wherever the teachings have called them, making herself available to all those who sincerely wish to improve their lives through introspection and practice.
Especially inspired by numerology, she offers private numerology consultations and training in this field.

But her favorite program is the SunChild, a teacher training initiated by herself and further developed over the years with Satmukh. The SunChild is addressed to all those who want to support children to live light and authentically; those who wish to reestablish a healthy relationship with their own childhood and inner child; and finally, to those who wish to teach yoga to kids.

Over the years, driven by the desire to gain tools for every possible need and request, Sat Sarbat has kept exploring and seeking certification in several other techniques:
- Gurdjieff's movements (an exceptional tool for developing presence and awareness);
- Grief Recovery by the Grief Recovery Institute of New York (certified coach);
- Tarot reading by Michel Camoin;
- Felicitas Goodman's ecstatic shamanic posture work;
- The Journey (Brandon Bay's healing work).
- Bert Hellinger's family constellations and Peter Orban's Symbolon archetypes (certified coach);
- Dieter Rehberger's PME Technique of Somatic Movement, a holistic method for promoting human health (certified coach);
- Trust Technique, to increase the trust of humans and their animals by James French and Shelley Slingo.
- Hypnotherapy from Cornwall School of Hypnotherapy (certified coach).
Sat Sarbat is a KRI-certified Lead Trainer in Levels 1 and 2 and Mentoring Lead. She mentors and supports trainers-in-training and is currently a member of the GEC (Global Ethics Commission). She desires to serve and give back what she was blessed to receive.

Sat Sarbat

Sat Sarbat is magnetic, and her presence is transformative. Courageous, she changed her life drastically to honor her call to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga. Without holding back, she dedicated herself to the practice. With great respect, she studied with many spiritual teachers. Today, her teaching permeates, touches, and inspires, always with joy, laughter, and tears!

Instagram : @satsarbatolympia

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AAA Director, Satmukh

Deeply inspired by the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan, Satmukh has travelled around the world for over 15 years to share them and instil a sense of community and service. Today, he and his wife Sat Sarbat have settled in the wilderness of southern Austria. More sedentary, he teaches online and mainly in Europe face-to-face. Satmukh and Sarbat also welcome groups to their home to experience in depth the alchemy of the 5 elements and inner silence.

Satmukh is passionate about Tantric numerology and offers individual coaching to dissolve the veils and patterns of the subconscious mind embedded in our fears and beliefs. Together with Sat Sarbat, they have created an online training to use this tool in different healing and coaching contexts.

He also offers the "SunChild" programme to teach Kundalini Yoga to children, to provide a space for adults to "reconnect" and to manifest a transmission to children that supports their uniqueness and innocence!

To deepen his path as a Yogi, Satmukh has followed other teachings as his inspirations such as Agnihotra: Agni, the fire, has always had a central place in his teachings of transformation and discernment, Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances and Sufism, Felicitas Godman's Shamanic Ritual Postures (Certified Instructor) and also Somatic Movements as a source of alignment, healing, vitality and relaxation (Certified Instructor and personal coach).

Satmukh is a Lead Trainer and Mentoring lead at the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI). In 2012, he and Sat Sarbat founded the Ajai Alai Awakening school. This school has evolved over time and today offers a space to explore and update the Kundalini teachings through one's own resonances while remaining true to the tradition. We also believe that a committed relationship with a teacher and a community where we can be authentic are essential to connecting our truth.


Intimately touched by the message of Guru Nanak, Satmukh is a Yogi on the path to unity. Fuelled by his passion for sharing, he has dedicated much of his life to travelling to transmit the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, numerology, children’s yoga, humanology,…

Instagram : @satmukh

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AAA Lead Trainer, Fateh

I met my first teachers Sewa and Dancin’ in 2001 in West Africa. From the former I received an intense, highly disciplined yoga with a martial flavour and from the latter a mystical connection with nature spirits & devotion through music. They introduced me to the art of prayer.

Upon my return from my travels, I was initiated into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and started a Kundalini Yoga teacher training with Karta Singh. His insightful words and his approach to the 5 elements medicine wheel inspired me a lot.

In 2006, during a stay in India, two Vedic sages awakened me to Agni, the sacred fire. During a ritual offering to the Divine Mother in the presence of Shri Tathata, the ascending Shakti was activated and I opened myself to the light of the Vedas. Then, while staying at Shri Aurobindo’s ashram, the descending force begins to work and I discover the yoga of the cells.

During a retreat in the Himalayas with Chandra Swami, the silent Yogi Udasi, I received the transmission of the Naam & my personal mantra, the sound itself became my Guru. My heart was set on fire and a shift took place, my perception of the world and my sense of identity were forever altered…

Since then, it is with Guru Dev Singh, a Mexican shaman who became a master of “Sat Nam Rasayan”, that I immerse myself in the Tantric current. In his presence, or should I say in his silence, I refine my “Listening”.

Several journeys and encounters give me the blessing of receiving precious spiritual heritages: the Vaishnave lineage, the red path, medicine drum, Shiva’s trident, Sufis lineages …. An invitation to recognise and embrace all forms of connection to the divine. I feel today like a small dot deeply connected to this vast constellation of Truth seekers.

“Aquarian Faqir” is a way of naming this journey. A modern spirituality in resonance with the astrological era we are living in. A call to explore human nature and the world through a listening that is free from expectations. The “Faqir” voluntarily strips himself of all appearances and projections to make himself available to the essential.

My path progressively reveals a particular affinity with the MOON: reflection, cyclicity, reception, rhythm, change, organic pulsation, integration, memory, shadow work, nectar, subtlety and refinement….
This is confirmed by my theme in “Human Design” which names this profile “Reflector”. A very specific energetic structure that does not respond to the cycle of the Sun but is aligned with the lunar cycles.

Thus, my presence acts as an extra reflective mirror for the people I interact with! Not always comfortable because the lunar side is unfortunately often in the shadows and neglected in our society. For those who are ready to open up to change, I am happy to serve their alchemical process.

Today, my work consists in listening, reflecting, revealing and honouring this lunar facet by accompanying each one to :
Deepen their connection with themselves and their surroundings.
Find their own inner rhythm.
Recognise one’s energy signature.
Share and act from the inner self.
Kundalini Yoga teacher training with the AAA school (#), thematic retreats (#) or individual consultations (#) are all meeting places to live and share the experience of this process.


Fateh fell in love with Kundalini early in his life and learnt Shunya meditation with his master for 20 years. He guides people to the depth of the meditative mind so they can experience and manifest the True Self. His wisdom flows through a natural recognition of the essence and universality of different traditions and a deep connection with nature.

Instagram : @fateh_ji

Trainers in Training (TNTs)

around the world

TNTs are part of the Aquarian Trainer Academy (ATA). The ATA provides the system, tools, resources, and support for the development and qualification of Level One Trainers. The purpose of the Academy is to cultivate and fully realise the talents and attributes of each individual who is called to be a Teacher Trainer, while maintaining quality and consistency in training.

Ajai Alai Awakening in Australia

Arjan Hari Kaur (Carolina)

Location : Brisbane, Australia
Email :
Website :

Ajai Alai Awakening in Turkey

Akal Sahai Kaur (Guneskal)

Role : Level 1 Intern
Email :
Website :

Dyaljeet TNT AAA Turkey

Dyaljeet Singh (Theo)

Role : Level 1 Intern
Email :
Website :

Sach Devah TNT AAA Turkey

Sach Devah Kaur (Aysu)

Role : Level 1 Intern
Email :
Website :

Ajai Alai Awakening in China 中国

Dharamjot Kaur

Location : China
Role : Lead Trainer
Email :

Sat Tara Kaur

Location : China, Yunnan
Role : Professional

Siri Datta Kaur

Location : China, Yunnan
Role : Associate

Arti Kaur

Location : China, Fujian
Role : Intern

Ong Kaur

Location : China, Sichuan
Role : Intern

Tara Shakti Kaur

Location : China
Role : Intern

Ajai Alai Awakening in France

Sat Pavan Singh

Location : France
Role : Associate
Email :
Website :

Charan Kamal TNT FR AAA

Charan Kamal Kaur

Location : France
Role : Intern
Email :

Dharam Kaur

Location : France
Role : Intern
Email :

Nav Jiwan TNT AAA France

Nav Jiwan Kaur

Location : France
Role : Intern
Email :
Website :

Ajai Alai Awakening in Taïwan

Sujandev Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Professional

Sukh Atma Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Professional

Indra Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Professional

Darshandev Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Intern

Dhyan Sadhana Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Intern

Seetal Nam Kaur

Location : Taïwan
Role : Intern

Ajai Alai Awakening in Poland

Joti Premdeep Kaur (Ela)

Location : Poland
Role : Applicant
Website :
Email :

You can also find us in Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Taiwan, and Turkey.