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In 1699, at Baisakhi Day (spring festival) in Anandpur, Guru Gobind Singh (10th Guru) gathered his followers and made this big announcement: “Who is willing to give their head?” Five men who could go beyond their fear of death volunteered, ready to die and beheaded. They made that individual choice, while many others left confused, thinking that their Guru had lost his mind.

Not being conditioned by their fears, connected to their instinctive call to surrender completely, they embodied ੴ EkOn(g)Kar. At that moment, they fully embodied their self-authority, taking responsibility for the consequences of their choice, integrating the energy of the father of the community, Guru Gobind Singh. From the decision of these five individuals, the Khalsa was born. The Khalsa is very often associated with a community of warriors, but they were first meditators. A Khalsa is someone in Shunia and, from that silence of the mind and its clarity – and not from the wish to fight, conquer, or take revenge – they were able to commit to a life of service, equality, and compassion.

This story is very connected to the 10th body, the Radiant Body, and the energy of this month.

In September, we were invited to let go, not to hold on to what needed to end.

To be reborn, we need first to die!

With its 1 and 0, October gives us a foretaste of the seeds that will grow next year. It starts from 1, the individual and their choices.

In the number 10, we also have the energy of the zero. The zero can emphasize the 1, like the moon reflecting the sun’s light, or hide it, like an eclipse when the moon covers the sun’s light completely.

As mentioned before, 1 is the individual, and then there is the 0, the circle connected to the community. In the 10, the community comprises many 1s, independent and separated beings, who are self-reliable and self-independent. On that Baisakhi day, while most of the crowd was blurred by their fears and their wish to rationalize, and remain in control, the clarity of mind and discernment of five men and their unfiltered perceptions of how the words of the Guru resonated within them, gave them the courage to choose what was ungraspable by the majority. They decided for themselves what was worth dying for, which means as well what was worth living for.

We come to earth to live a personal and unique experience. Our radiance is plugged into the acceptance that we are entirely separated and unique (1) to realize that we all come from the same source (0). The radiant body (1 & 0) is a living paradox. When we embody our radiance through the resonance with others, the group (0), our social interactions, and intimate relationships, we can adjust our personal journey, allowing us to draw on our own experience. 0 becomes a mirror where each relationship (no matter whether painful or positive) is an opportunity to uncover part of who we are. ੴ EkOn(g)Kar, what is outside reflects what is inside.

“Your Karma is not in what is happening to you. Your Karma is in the way you Experience and Respond to what is happening to you”. Sadhguru

But if instead we react to that aloneness (1) and the deep subconscious fears related to it (I am separated, and I will never make it), we create communities (0) that become the guarantee of our survival at the cost of hiding our uniqueness (1). It is like a solar eclipse, and the 0 of the 10 covers the 1. We compromise our personal sun to fit into families, institutions, organizations, and spiritual communities, … out of fear and to guarantee our survival.

When our survival is the priority and is projected on a group, we automatically create a system of merit to select the individuals who can most serve this survival system. Merit brings comparison between each other. Comparison is a sign that we have lost our connection with ourselves and define ourselves through a collective prism: what is useful for the group.

Merit induces a hierarchical system where labels and titles validate the most useful to the system, the most powerful one. From an original self-abuse, we turn out to “validate” unconsciously abusive structures and abusive leaders. We are constantly looking for a father figure who will validate us, and we are ready to do anything to have that look or that pat on our backs.

We end up running after a life that does not fulfil us. It is difficult to change since a part of us is convinced that this is the only way to survive and have a meaningful life.

Automatically, we create a distance between our uniqueness, our instinctive self, and the persona we have modelled and identified with to fit the group and exist through its values in order to guarantee our survival and our “existence” through the eyes of others.

For fear of dying, we choose not to live.

This month is the time to embrace our “longing” and experience the sensations and emotions it contains (like sadness). The sense of belonging comes from diving into this inner experience. There is no strategy or anything outside of us that can fill this vacuum.

We are also invited to take responsibility for and experience our choices fully. Any constructive change in our lives can only come from our deep instincts and desires. We just need to own and honour them.

This is the “Aquarian” community. It is formed by individuals who have lost the common way, the way that makes sense, the way that gives us roles and status, the way that gives us guarantee. Life is experienced once we drop guarantees and expectations.

We will recognize each other and come together as magnets from this self-authority (integration of the father energy). The wonder of life and its synchronicity brings the circumstances and the people we need for this journey of self-discovery.

Give your head to listen to your heart!


Meditation for Inner Silence: Shunya

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